Sunday, October 12, 2008


I don't have children. But growing up, I taught swimming lessons of all ages, worked at Day Care Center, and entertained a sister 11 years my junior. I love children, and since I don't have them, I have found that I have the time to do the things parents want to do but can't because they simply don't have enough time in the day. I want to make a parent's life easier, give them a little more time to spend with their kids.

If you are one of those parents who gets on the phone and all of a sudden those little darlings of yours are at your feet, or its raining outside and they just don't have anything to do, I believe I am the master at creating activities that take little time or preparation and can occupy a child for an hour or more with or without you.

If television has become your "extra set" of hands maybe its time to turn off the television, and challenge your children to be creative, explore their capabilities, and have fun in the process. Its a fast paced, high tech world, an in the midst of it, we have lost some of our "Wonder". I want to bring back the wonder in a child's eyes. It can't be found on a television, it can't be seen if you are looking, but it is there.

I know there isn't enough time in the day. I hope that I can give you some simple ways to taking the time to engage with your children., Taking a few minutes to make some magic. After all, you are there hero. You are the center of their universe. Don't let that get away.